There are so many ways to use the internet to find a job. We already discussed how to use Ego Surfing to target potential employers. But how do you target people who don't google themselves on the internet?
If we look at statistics on what employers do when they hire new employees, we will see that there is a very similar technique we can use to reach the majority of employers. Have you heard people say that you should be careful what you put on the internet, especially if you are looking for a job? Well, that happens to be very good advice because most potential employers these days will search the internet to find out more about what a person is really like.
Employers typically do these internet background checks to filter out candidates that display a less than positive image online. But it can also work the other way. If an employer sees a lot of impressive things about a candidate, that person will move up on the list. So how can we create a positive image online that an employer will see?
Social media sites like Facebook are probably the first place an employer would look. So you should create a page for yourself, if you don't already have one, and put some content on there about what you do (or did) for a living. Mention some of your accomplishments. Talk about what you really enjoy about your job and how it feels to contribute to an organization's success. Tailor your comments so that they would apply to the types of industries you are targeting. If you're trying to make a career change, talk about why you want to take a new direction and how you have the desire and motivation to make a successful change. No matter what you say, keep it positive.
You can also put up a simple blog that focuses on your professional life. Write some articles that relate to your area of expertise and post them on your blog. This will help establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Lastly, since employers will use what they find on the internet to filter their candidate list, you should do some ego surfing yourself to make sure there isn't anything out there that you don't want employers to see.
Good luck on the job search. Times are still tough out there, so make sure to take every opportunity to get an edge on the competition. It will be worth it when you land that perfect job.